Submissions to the Press are currently closed.
General Guidelines: DarkWinter Press
We’re looking for novellas, novel-length manuscripts, short story collections, and poetry collections with a twist. We do not publish creative non-fiction.
We prioritize writers who identify as women and 2SLGBTQ+.
We accept simultaneous submissions but please let us know, and withdraw if you’ve been accepted elsewhere. DarkWinter Press does not publish works that have been previously published as a whole. We will consider poetry and short story collections where a small percentage of the pieces have been published online.
We accept submissions by email only. Specify that you are submitting to DarkWinter Press in the subject line.
Please include your contact information, email, and mailing address within the body of the email or on the first page of your submission.
Please send us a query letter and a sample of the first 20 consecutive pages of your work rather than the entire manuscript. Full manuscripts may be requested after our review process is complete.
Please include a brief summary of your book in your query letter. Make it compelling so that we want to read more!
Include a short biography of yourself and your publication history, if applicable.
When we receive your submission we will acknowledge receipt and will respond within two months.
Attach the submission in a single PDF document (including your query letter, writing sample, and biography). All submissions should be in PDF format.
Double-space all materials.
Use a clear, 12-point font.
Email your submission to
For Frequently Asked Questions about DarkWinter Press, please click on the PDF.
For more about DarkWinter Press, you can read this interview with our editor!
For Baxter House Editions, our imprint which republishes work that, for no
fault of its own, has been unpublished or gone out of print, please contact us for more information.
We are an inclusive publisher. We reserve the right to refuse any work that contains racism, sexism, homophobia or transphobia.
DarkWinter Press and Literary Magazine operates on the traditional lands of the Haudenosaunee, Anishinaabe, and Chonnonton People. We acknowledge the enduring presence and deep traditional knowledge, laws, and philosophies of the Indigenous Peoples with whom we share this land today.