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Scarves; Thrift Shop by Joan McNerney


I want to make scarves from the sky.

Since I’m not much of a seamstress,

here’s hoping it won’t be too hard.

To start I’ll just pick up a fleecy

white cloud to cover my neck.

Maybe create a dove gray scarf

and cut out pale blue ones too.

Make entire closets full of them.

At sunset I will fashion boas

of bright ruby and tangerine.

My midnight shawl will be long

gleaming ebony covering my

shoulders keeping me warm.

If lucky I’ll find some rainbows…

kaleidoscopes to wrap up in.

I will list them on eBay and Craig’s,

hang pictures on my Facebook wall.

Imagine, everybody will want them!

Would you like one too?

Better put your order in now.

Thrift Shop

I descend clutching a

teetering banister to the

bowels of this holy place.

A sign welcomes me to

St. Mary’s Basement Boutique

where scent of unloved

clothing assaults me.

I finger grubby blouses

and skirts hanging limp

week after week unwanted.

Where is it? Hidden beneath

mounds of faded tee shirts?

Where is that swag I will

brag on for months?

At last I uncover something

beyond belief….a mohair sweater

snow white with pastel flowers.

A good fit, my prayer answered.

Retired ladies glance up.

They are volunteers filling

another empty afternoon.

The cashier consults her price list.

“One dollar” she says as I reply with

quick “thanks” fleeing blissfully.

When I get home, my bonanza

is baptized in cool water and suds

now reborn, lustrous and all mine.


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