Pathway Into Darkness
Nightfall is rapidly
Approaching fast
Encroaching on the
Faltering daylight;
On the pathway to
Castle Dracula in
The very heart of
Transylvania, also
Known as Romania,
In the broodingly dark
Baltic—remnants of
Time again revisited.
Oh, Vlad the Impaler
Leaving entrails on
A skewer for all to
See and to be horrified
At what pure evil can
Procure. Thousands
Of bodies wriggle and
Scream in unison as
The terror continues
To breach our fragile
Minds. For history may
Indeed repeat itself if
We choose to be blind.
The Wren
So sorry to hear that a
Wren blurting chirps in
Your ear in a delightful
Song causes you
Much nervous agitation.
At the top of its lungs
The bird sings and is
Thankful for all things
Despite your unfounded
Misdirected trepidation.
Unbeknownst to this bird
It shall utter its last chirp
As a slingshot aims with
Acute precision then the
Wren lay on the ground;
A stark silence abounds
All on account of your
Insolent selfish ambition.
You may silence the bird,
But you can’t kill the song;
Many more shall arrive in
Mass-migration by dawn.