A faded rain-covered photograph leaking all color and pigment…
A vivid moment, immersed in love and rapture, nostalgia or just a figment…
A yellowish-green box of melted bright-colored crayons…
A child’s animated laughter, childhood traumas, now silenced and withdrawn…
A coffee-stained heavy ceramic mug and deep oval saucer…
A sentimental memory, idyllic ambience and classical music, now dull and somber…
A thread-bare flowery sundress softly blowing in the wind…
A young girl’s innocent desires and vibrant energy, heartbreak, now sad and dimmed…
A discarded metal vanity compact with a broken mirror…
A clear mirror reflecting an unblemished self-esteem, broken, now a trigger…
A wilted sunflower with fallen dandelion-yellow-colored petals…
A young lovers’ blooming love, tainted, now a crushed and withered love unsettles…
An abandoned pair of old faded suede loafers…
An older man dismally pondering on the last “winter” of his life, time like daggers…
The faint scent of aromatic floral-infused perfume…
An elegant woman, reminiscing about forgotten love and romance, in her reveries
A chipped turquoise window sill with rain-stained windows…
A vacant room filled with muted screams and concealed tears of misery and sorrows…
An ashtray filled with lipstick-stained cigarette butts…
A single mother’s masked silent cries and inner turmoil, selfless worry pierces and
A rustic wooden bench covered with hand-carved lovers’ names…
A nostalgic sigh, yearning for the innocence of first love, engraved in the heart,
never again the same…
A book with tattered pages, bleeding ink and unclear words…
A book with chapters and chapters of the “human condition”, inevitable regret, fear and