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Short Fiction and Poetry
Loss by Yvette Schnoeker-Shorb
“Michelle, they are waiting,” a familiar voice drifted into her consciousness. Michelle, a young woman [...}
Sympathy by Christopher Sworen
The night was defined by a pouring rain and it was as dark as could be, and the woman walking down the street didn’t know anyone [...]
The Well by Swetha Amit
My face stares back at me from my reflection--a white face with searching eyes endowed with a mass of curly waves. [...]
Rebirth by Mackenzie Kemp
While this being has existed for centuries, taking on various forms and saving countless civilizations [...]
Ghost Memory by Jayson Carcione
The snow covered the tyre tracks. The snow cleaned the blood from the tyres, from the sickly yellow headlights of the car [...]
New River Gorge by Stacy Wentworth
Clive chomped away at the soggy marsh grass, water dripping out of his mouth and down his long neck. He put his head down again [...]
Blue Pride by Stefanie Shapiro
The lines run on the surface of her skin, her face
Thin, translucent skin
Marathoners thirsty for distance, slow but steady [...]
Watching Her Without Me by Madeleine D'Este
The first night I stood watching her house, there was drizzle. Under a wide-leaved fig tree, a foots-breadth away [...]
The Island Of Forever Sleep by William Falo
I paddled the canoe out into the lake, trying to find the exact locations where my father taught me to fish. It seemed impossible [...]
The Undertaker by Cadeem Lalor
I used to speak with my family more, used to have more friends,
Over the years, they have drifted away [...]
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