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Short Fiction and Poetry
So Like That; The Darkness of Night by Erich von Hungen
Down from the sky,
wings chop and cut and drop
to where the dead things lie
among the scattered plumes. [...]
Toronto Rain by Trent Lewin
Majid Sardar is the name of a real man in prison in Iran. He moved to Canada from Indonesia because he had a job offer [...]
Black Walnut Dye; Mycelium; When Chloe liked Olivia by Damon Hubbs
oftentimes when we walk Ravenswood
through pine and oak and past the boulder fields,
towards where the Hermit of Gloucester’s cabin [...]
Myrmecology Report; Tell Me Bee by Sally Zakariya
Not just a billion. Not even a trillion.
But twenty thousand trillion here on Earth.
Two and a half million for each one of us. [...]
The Moss by D A Angelo
The moss is more than a novelty wig. Carefully note how it infiltrates, appearing overnight on the scalp of a roof [...]
Brochure as Memento Mori by Ian C Smith
Former Calulu Post Office it says, High Ceilings.
Lots of Shedding conjures a wry verb. [...]
A To-Do List For The Lost by Ruth Emeroe
1. In every tree, fairies are living. They giggle with the woodbugs and pour teeny tiny cups of tea while they listen to the wind. [...]
Consequences of a Haunted Mind by Jason Frederick Myers
I never went into the basement again after what I saw.
“A horror cave,” that’s what my dad called it. He is obsessed with scary movies [..]
A Delicate Rose by R.P. Logan
It shouldn’t be so hard at this time of night,
when the bars are starting to close,
I passed on a violet and gave up on a lily, [...]
Wandering by Leigh Therriault
Be careful where you wander
within deep woods and dark hollows
when secrets could be waiting. [...]
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