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Short Fiction and Poetry

Two Hours and Twenty-Seven Minutes by John-Paul Cote
Two hours and twenty-seven minutes.
That’s how long he had.
Two hours and twenty-seven minutes until the killer murdered again. [...]

Phantasmagoria, Petal on the Promenade or Tree Cloud Sky by Brian Michael Barbeito
A yellow petal. Also a balcony made of stone. A light to light words at the nocturne. Below a group of stray dogs run through, beige [...]

The Taste Of Grapes by Toni Juliette Leonetti
Blood told. It told whom to wed and whom to kill, who ruled and who kneeled. It told Leonora’s betrothal at sixteen to King Marcus [...]

Poet In An Empty Bottle by Michael Lee Johnson
I'm a poet who drinks only red wine.
When inebriated with earthly
delusion and desire, I crawl inside
this empty bottle [...]

Broadcast by Christian Barragan
Tara lay lifeless in her bed. The overcast evening sky taunted her, for it was nearly time to go to work. [...]

Books by Angela Arnold
Enough beer in my sails and I will declaim
till the proverbial cows fly over the gate, [...]

Plum Psalm by Lilah Warren
They are bailing water, my tears, from the sinking ship like Alice.
I remember coaxing plums into my mouth in September [...]

Satan In Salem by Marc Egnal
Fleeing to the New World was supposed to bring safety. That hope proved to be a cruel deception. [...]

Zakarias by Zary Fekete
And then one day I knew I must find Zakarias. I remembered his name from my childhood, spoken of softly and with reverence [...]

Trash-Man; The Ex At The Coffeehouse by John Grey
My father and I go to the city dump.
Amid the mountains of smell and scurrying rodents,
we're looking for the trash of others [...]
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